Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is a sum of money which is additional to school funding.

The funding was introduced in April 2011 and can be used to support children who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) or have been in the past 6 years, as well as those children who have been looked after for longer than 6 months and children of service personnel.

Schools are free to use the money as they see fit with the overall aim being to support the development of the whole child through curricular and extra-curricular opportunities.

The main aims of the pupil premium are to:

  • Increase social mobility.
  • Enable more pupils from disadvantaged back grounds to access the best education.
  • Reduce the attainment gap between the highest and lowest achieving pupils.

All schools are required to publish online how they intend to spend the Pupil Premium grant within school. Please click on the link below to view Anderton Primary School’s Pupil Premium Strategy. The Pupil Premium Strategy is reviewed annually via the Resources Committee for the Governing Body in the Autumn term. The next date for review will be October 2024.

Impact of Pupil Premium Grant 2022-23

Y6 Attainment July 2024 Reading Writing Maths GPS Combined
PP Children  0% 33% 33%   0%
School 76% 69% 66%   59%
National 74% 72% 73%   61%

If you would like more information about Pupil Premium at Anderton Primary School, please contact Mrs Laithwaite our SENCo and lead person for Pupil Premium.


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