Primary Aim at Anderton Primary School

 To ensure that every child has equal access to the full curriculum entitlement regardless of disability, religion, culture or ethnicity.

The Aims of RE at Anderton Primary School

RE at Anderton Primary School will be provided in line with the legal requirements. These are that:

  • the basic curriculum will include provision for religious education for all pupils on the school roll;
  • the content of RE shall reflect the fact that religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, while taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religious traditions represented in Great Britain;
  • the RE which is provided shall be in accordance with the locally agreed syllabus for Lancashire (published in 2016).

Within the framework of the law and the Agreed Syllabus, our aims in RE are:

  • to enable each child to explore our shared human experience and the questions of meaning and purpose which arise from our experiences;
  • to enable pupils to know about and understand the beliefs and values and living religious traditions of some of the great religions of the world, particularly those represented in Lancashire and the UK. Among these religions, Christianity has a particular place, and is taught in three investigations in each year of the primary phase.
  • to promote respect, sensitivity and cultural awareness by teaching about the religions represented in our school, the local and wider community of our region, and the country;
  • to affirm each child in his / her own family tradition, religious or secular;
  • to provide children with opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development;
  • to develop the ability of pupils to think about, and develop for themselves, beliefs and values by which they can live through studying the lived experiences and beliefs and values of the major world faith.

If you have any questions about the RE curriculum, please contact Mrs Norton-Smith.

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