

At Anderton we believe that it is important to show children the real life contexts in which Maths can be used. Our curriculum is designed to allow our children to gain a deep knowledge of concepts which they can apply to a variety of different situations. We want children to leave Anderton with the ability to explain their thinking in terms of Maths and choose the most efficient methods needed to tackle a problem.

Children at Anderton persevere in order to see a problem through to its solution.

We base our Maths curriculum around mastery teaching. This involves small steps which break down concepts to allow children to develop a depth of knowledge which allows them to be fluent mathematical thinkers. In the Early Years we use 'Mastering Number' as the basis of our maths curriculum. This is supplemented through the use of White Rose Maths for concepts including shape, space and measure. Throughout Key Stage 1 & 2 learning follows the small steps guidance from White Rose Maths. Further information about the White Rose Scheme of learning can be found here.


Children are encouraged to use a concrete, pictorial, abstract approach to their learning. This means that children use a variety of manipulatives and physical resources to first explore a concept before moving to using drawings and diagrams and finally to written calculations and jottings.

Following the mastery approach to maths means that children move through learning together ensuring that they can reason and problem solve with confidence. We encourage discussion of our thinking that allows children to deepen their understanding.

Please take a look at our Math Calculation Policy to help support your child at home.

If you have any questions regarding the Maths curriculum, please contact Mr O’Donohoe.


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